Our Purpose is to accelerate socioeconomic mobility by advancing well-being, wisdom, and wealth on the UNT Dallas campus and throughout southern Dallas County.
The Outcomes We Seek
The outcomes we seek are grounded in three interconnected domains of human aspirations — well-being, wisdom and wealth — which flourish in the context of an opportunity-rich & sustainable community.
Habits of lifelong learning support the academic and character growth needed for college, career, and citizenship.
Physical and mental well-being are foundational for sustaining healthy relationships, learning academic competencies, engaging in meaningful work, and enabling a thriving life.
Building financial assets through sustainable-wage work, entrepreneurship, and financial management are critical for enabling more equitable societal outcomes.
Opportunity-Rich & Sustainable Community
Education can empower and equip individuals to achieve well-being, wisdom, and wealth. At the same time, these outcomes can only be achieved by addressing the systemic conditions that either limit or create opportunities for individual flourishing.
Data Resource Hub
Explore our curated collection of data sources crucial for understanding and addressing challenges in economic mobility.
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Local Resources
Visit our page of links to organizations’ websites that serve as resource hubs for a variety of services in our region.
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